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Dedicate a Star
Show your special someone how much you truly care for them.
"Randomly, I got a text message saying a star had been dedicated to me. My star was the beginning of a scavenger hunt holding a message that lead me to hot chocolate, a cashmere blanket and an incredible lookout spot with a telescope. BEST DATE EVER! :)"
My fiancé Dan has been so amazing to me the past 3 years, and so for his birthday I wanted to get him something amazing. A star named with his favorite word "Geniusus" I thought would do just the trick. When I showed my fiancé his star to him on his birthday, his eyes lit up and he was so pumped to have received a gift so epic! He talks about his star all the time and I truly felt blessed I could give him something almost as amazing as him.
Casandra Gantert, Holland, MI
I'm working in Afghanistan at the moment and the ability to dedicate the star for my wife was a way to make a nice gesture and bring us closer together.
Greg Donahoe, Warren, MI
When my sister dedicated my star to me, we were in the middle of a 2 month long argument. This was the first step in resolution and brought us closer together as brother and sister. We now communicate on a daily basis and love each other more than we ever had. This would not have happened without the dedication of that star.
Zachary Griffin Everett, Massachusetts
I bought it for my young grand daughter in hopes that she will always look up at the sky and remember her "mema" long after I am gone.
JoMarie Park Leicester, NY

Dedicate Your Star:

Dedicate Your Star:

Every dedication includes...
  • Personal Mesage
  • Personal Photo
  • Personal Video
  • Email/Txt Delivery
  • Scheduled Delivery
  • Printable Certificate
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Dedicate Your Star!
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